On Thursday of last week my 18-year old daughter informs me that she is having a skin care party on Tuesday. I am going out of town on Friday and will not return until Sunday. These sorts of things can send me into a tailspin because they super motivate me to do projects that I have been procrastinating on for weeks or maybe even months! Regan(my daughter) wanted to serve cupcakes, among other things, and I did not have time to go out and look for a cupcake tree. I was browsing on Pinterest and was inspired to make this tree with some old Blue Willow dishes that I had stashed away. I just love Blue Willow! Anyway, the one I used for my inspiration used random dishes and plates and it looked great. I did glue the cups and plates together but keep in mind this was done 45 minutes before her guests were arriving! I used Tacky Glue but plan to go back and use something stronger. One more thing, Regan was great with the cleaning and cooking, she did way more than I had expected in prepping for the party. For this, I am very thankful:)
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What a very cute idea! Thanx for sharing!