Items needed:
1 styrofoam wreath form
2 packs of floral picks with wire(the bags did not have a count on them?)
1 orange 4.5" roll of orange mesh
1 green 4.5" roll of green mesh(mine was metallic since I already had it on hand)
Burlap to form a loop in order to hang the wreath
1. I wrapped my wreath with the green mesh. You could use something cheaper but it was all I had at the time. I secured this with u-shaped floral pins.
2. Cut SEVERAL ( I did not count mine) 8- inch sections of the orange mesh. Pinch one of the long sides together, wrap wire on the pick around the end securely. See picture below.
3. Start filling the form. I started on the inside and worked my way around and outward.
4. Once I had all of the orange picks I wanted, I made 4 green mesh picks to put at the top for the leaves.
5. I wrapped a strip of burlap around it to hang it with and to serve as a stem. I have seen real sticks put on them and they are super cute.
You will find others that have the "swirls" going in a more uniform direction but I like randomness!
The entire process took a little over an hour. I hope that you find this helpful if you choose to make one!
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